A Study of the Performance of the PID Controller and Nonlinear Controllers in Vehicle Suspension Systems Considering Practical Constraints
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Young Researcher Club, Roudsar and Amlash Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudsar, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (8), Pages 86-95, August,2 (2014)
In this paper first an applicable PID controller has been designed for the vehicle suspension system with considering the nonlinear dynamics of the hydraulic actuator. In this method, linear sky-hook model was chosen as the reference model. In order to improve the characteristics of the reference model in terms of ride comfort and stability and also considering the practical constraints of the suspension system, an optimal LQR controller has been designed for the sky-hook model. To improve the reference model behavior in terms of ride comfort with considering the limitations of the suspension system working space and create a tradeoff between ride comfort and handling, an optimum LQR controller with adjustable weight matrices for the sky-hook model was designed. Of course, this controller had no suitable performance with regards to the system non-linear dynamics. Then, a non-linear controller was designed based on Lyapunov method. Simulation results indicate that this controller is successful in reducing the vertical acceleration to improve the ride comfort, but it cannot control the stability and stability of the vehicle. Meanwhile, the designed controller is not robust enough to system parameter perturbations. Therefore, the sliding mode control as a robust nonlinear control method has been adopted as an alternative way for the controller design. In this method, the sliding surfaces are selected in a way that the nonlinear system tracks a sky-hook model which has desirable behavior. Simulation results revealed that the non-linear model of the suspension system with a sliding mode controller could satisfactorily track the behavior of the new improved sky-hook reference model. Also, the sliding mode controller showed a good behavior when parameters changed.
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