The effect of Moautut on Marriage Contract
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of law, khorasgan (Isfahan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, IRAN
- 2Department of law, University of Isfahan, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (8), Pages 69-73, August,2 (2014)
The main objectives expressed by human is words, other matters take colors in light of these words and can be calibrated of words However, other means of expressing intent at the contracts and Ighaat are appearance at law Science Matat at contracts, has been considered by scholars from the past and what about it been issued diverse opinions; a group of jurists not discriminate value for Matat and some also have proposed other comments Nowadays less is a faqih that at contracts Mavzy,value is not for Matat; because since the beginning ijtihad in jurisprudence namely of the time Sheikh Mufid hitherto renowned Shia jurists using the certain rules of rational and taking advantage of method continuous intellectual and citing the sustainable practices approved by the Shariah and attached to this matter the contract is category meaning and ahoy has no influence in nature of the contract, valuable results have in conjunction with signing Mataty and nowadays marriage to Wife knows its counterpart; also legally there is no difference how will In announced with ahoy or non-Ahoy offer and acceptance But what in the meantime been abandoned, talk about marriage contract is that been excluded these rules and for that reason not mentioned; renowned jurisprudents for Matat do not value, but there is consensus in this regard Also law influenced by the famous juridical a verbal offer and acceptance of the condition known marriage and this also has been a general belief among the lawyers However, all arguments Matat Sale also is included Matat marriage.
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