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The Comparison of Customers Engagement and Customer Value in Utilitarian and Hedonic Brands

Author Affiliations

  • 1Farabi College, University of Tehran, Tehran, IRAN
  • 2Qom University, Qom, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (8), Pages 62-68, August,2 (2014)


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between customer engagement in utilitarian and hedonic brands. Experimental tests have been carried out using the presence questionnaire method. Due to the infinite population, the sample used for this study was selected using Morgan table. 384 of them were the consumers of insurance company services and cosmetic products. After reviewing the demographic characteristics of the sample, validity and reliability of data normality,the hedonic and utilitarian of two groups (customers of cosmetic and insurance companies) using T-student test. There search hypotheses were studied using PLS of structural equations and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed that there is a significant relationship at the confidence level of 95 % between the customer engagement and customer value in utilitarian and hedonic brands of the companies. The correlation between the customer engagement in hedonic brand andcustomer value is more than the correlation between the customer engagements in utilitarian brands.


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