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Patients' Satisfaction and Quality Health Services: An Investigation from Private Hospitals of Karachi, Pakistan

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Business Administration& Commerce, Indus University, Karachi, PAKISTAN
  • 2 Institute of Business Administration, Sindh University, Jamshoro, PAKISTAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (7), Pages 34-38, July,2 (2014)


Patient satisfaction is the critical issue for healthcare providers. Health care organizations are working in a competitive environment. In these days hospital needs to enhance the level of satisfaction if they want to remain in the competition with other hospitals. Patient satisfaction is basically satisfying patients’ expectations and understanding their needs. Patients’ feedback can affect the overall quality, to improve organizational learning and development agenda and provide an opportunity. The aim of this study was to determine the patient satisfaction at Private hospital of Karachi for the in-patient departments. This study concludes that the majority of the patients are satisfied with the services provided by the in-patient departments of selected Private hospitals of Karachi. Specially, the patients and their attendants’ are very much satisfied from Patient ward services, Laboratories services, food services, reception staff services, welfare services & healthcare services provided by the hospitals to the in-patient departments, therefore, this shows significant impact on overall patients’ satisfaction. The strengths of the healthcare organizations as highlighted by patients must be continuing. However, some services need more care and focus when overall planning & strategies’ will be made for planning & managing the health care system.


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