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Red Mud as Adsorbent to Remove Lead (II) from Aqueous Solutions

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Chemistry, Kirodimal Institute of Technology Raigarh, CG, INDIA
  • 2 Department of Chemistry, Dr. C.V. Raman University Bilaspur, CG, INDIA
  • 3 Department of Chemistry, K. Govt. Arts and Sc. College Raigarh, CG, INDIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (7), Pages 18-27, July,2 (2014)


Batch experiments under different experimental conditions have been performed to evaluate the adsorption characteristics of red mud. Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherm models have been used to discuss the data obtained. Kinetics of adsorption have been discussed using Lagergren first-order equation, pseudo-second-order equation and intra-particle diffusion models. Thermodynamic parameters such as change in free energy G, change in enthalpy H and change in entropy S have been evaluated and discussed to know the spontaneity and feasibility of the process.


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