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Assessing the Role of Brand Personality on Trust, Affection, Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction in Governmental Organization: (Case of Study: Maskan Bank)

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Executive Master of Business Administration, Alborz University, IRAN
  • 2Department of Management and Global Economy, Instroct Scientific Applied Training Center, Tehran, IRAN
  • 3Department of Marketing Management, University of Tehran, IRAN Department of Financial Management, University of Tehran, IRAN
  • 4Department of Financial Management, University of Tehran, IRAN
  • 5Science and Research Campus, Tehran, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (7), Pages 130-138, July,2 (2014)


Like interactions between human to human, in which personality attraction and fitness lead to positive moral effects in the addressee, the relationship between human traits and brand personality is in line with the same rule. Personality attraction of a brand in consumer’s mind causes customer's internal affection and trust that ultimately bring about brand satisfaction. Endurance of this satisfaction creates a kind of loyalty which is the aim of customer-based companies. Not many researches have been done integrative on this field. Therefore, the current research, a kind of descriptive survey, has used Structural Equation Modeling to investigate the effect of brand personality variable on four efficient variables in 385 customers of Maskan Bank. These variables include brand trust, loyalty and satisfaction which this research has proven the effect of brand personality on brand trust and affection but surprisingly, no sensible relationship between brand personality and two variables of satisfaction and loyalty was found.


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