A Study on the Effect of Marketing Advertisements and Price Promotions to Brand equity in Iranian Insurance Industry (A Case Study on Iran, Asia and Parsian Insurance Companies)
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, IRAN
- 2Department of Management, Qeshm International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (7), Pages 123-129, July,2 (2014)
The research presents effect ofmarketing advertisements and price promotion to brand equity in InsuranceindustryinIran.Methodology that used from viewpoint of aim is applied and theprocedure of them is also survey. The sample was randomly drawn from the population who are legal and real customers of IranInsurance Company, Asia Insurance company and Parsian insurance company that they have 2 years record in Tehran branches so that the numbers of them are 23679.researeh model of the study consist of randomly selected 429 consumers and we measured it by random sampling method. Advertising and price promotion are Independent variable, perceivedquality of thebrand, brand loyalty and brand image are dependent variable and brand awareness is mediator variable. Required information for this research was gathered by using a standard questionnaire. This information accordingto research hypotheses, theinformation inLISRELsoftware environment by applying confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model was analyzed. The results of the present study show marketing advertisements on perceived quality, brand awareness, brand image and brand loyalty has a positive effect; price promotion has a negative effect on perceived quality and has positive effect on brand image. Brandawareness has also a positive effect on brand image.
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