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Student-Based Budgeting: Customer Centeredness and Justice in Educational System

Author Affiliations

  • 1Educational Administration, Kharazmi University, IRAN
  • 2Shahid Beheshti University, IRAN
  • 3 University of Mazandaran, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (7), Pages 112-117, July,2 (2014)


Along with financial reforms in the educational system, and holding schools accountable for student achievement, in recent years many educational areas in the United States have taken steps towards student budgeting system. Student-based budgeting system is a new mechanism, which provides schools with financial resources based on the number of students and their needs. It aims to increase the financing equity, improve budgeting and accountability, increase transparency in order to improve student performance and educational justice. In order to do so, in this article, through defining the concept of student-based budgeting, we have examined its functions, aims, elements, challenges and its assistance to the educational system. Although this novel way cannot be considered as a panacea to all the problems in the educational system, it can pave the way for profound reforms in educational systems as well as school. At last, some practical suggestions have been offered to implement and administer student-based budgeting.


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