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Entrepreneurship and Educational Games

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Arts and Commerce, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA
  • 2Department of Computer Studies and Research, Symbiosis International University, Pune, INDIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (7), Pages 98-102, July,2 (2014)


The Entrepreneurship Education must utilize modern ways to address a wider student population. Though traditional learning is often uninteresting yet it fails to engage the learners. The Students learn up to 10 times better when engaged in Simulations. Entrepreneurship is usually considered as a very scary, costly, risky and unknown arena. The classes for entrepreneurship are great, but do not target students or their interest for learning with enjoyment and play. The startup heroes prefer edutainment games versus classic teaching to better comprehend entrepreneurship, and are often motivated to start their own company. The situation-based game poses difficult tasks and challenges, at different levels. Their essential target is the youth at the crossroads of their life awaiting a decision regarding their career. This paper aims to review the entrepreneurial pedagogy required to design, to conceptualize, to integrate and to develop games showcasing the real and virtual business worlds within the Net systems and Computer games. List of non computer educational entrepreneurship games will be provided for teachers and students and will explain who entrepreneurship games will help students to practice as an entrepreneur. From a theoretical percept the assumption is that it is possible to utilize this to make an effective teaching method. The requisite entrepreneurial attitudes need not be restricted to the context of business but also to the general wisdom of taking responsibility for initiation and implementation a project. Particularly in the domain of entrepreneurship there are edifying arguments in favor of game-based learning.


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