A class based QoS model for Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Computer Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology, Karachi, PAKISTAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (7), Pages 69-78, July,2 (2014)
Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASNs) applications have emerged as major type of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Ample research work has already carried out to improve the QoS in WSN. However, QoS provision in WBASN needs further investigation. Majority of the research work in WBASN improves the QoS considering timeliness, latency or energy as a basic requirement. Most of the researchers working on MAC layer consider one of the QoS parameter energy, timeliness or reliability. This paper proposes a class based QoS model for QoS support in WBASN.The proposed model simultaneously ensure high throughput and low data latency. Our proposed model works on multihop topology. The model provides QoS provisioning by defining three classes of services (i.e. guaranteed service, real time service, and best effort services). Data categorized into three classes and scheduled according to their priority with the help of classifier. The schedules data put in the queue and then served from here according to their priority. We highlighted the need of QoS support in BASN by evaluating the performance of BASN by using Castalia when there is no QoS provision in various scenarios. The proposed QoS model support for high throughput and low delay for critical data. In WBASN critical data needs to be delivered quickly particularly in medical applications. Our proposed QoS model increases the critical traffic throughput by ensuring a minimum delay of the critical nodes. We implement the proposed model through simulations and the results show that the proposed model improves the delay and throughput of the critical nodes.
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