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Planning and Standardizing of Stress Questionnaire Based Upon Transactional Model

Author Affiliations

  • 1Yazd Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, School of Health, Yazd, IRAN
  • 2Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN
  • 3Shiraz University of medical sciences, Shiraz, IRAN
  • 4Jondishapoor University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, IRAN
  • 5Department of Education and Training office, Yazd, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (6), Pages 20-25, June,2 (2014)


The importance of stress amongst the teachers, on one hand, and lake of a valid and reliable instrument to measure the stress based on Lazarus and Folkman Transactional Model, on the other hand, made us to provide a instrument for Iranian teachers to apply. The aim of this study was planning and standardizing of Stress Questionnaire Based upon Transactional Model. This survey is a descriptive- analytical one, which its sample population includes in Yazd teachers of primary schools. The total sample, 100 people, has been selected using categorical sampling. A primary 64 -questions list was provided to plan the questionnaire, first. Content validity, and CVR, CVI approaches; construct validity by confirmatory factor, criterion-related validity by Pierson Correction, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and correlation matrix were applied to study internal validity and adaption. SPSS 15 and Amos 21 were used to analyze the data collected. Planning 62-questions questionnaire was followed by validity and reliability processes. Content validity index appeared 0.85, which was acceptable. The results of the study of construct validity, came out of the analysis of confirmatory factor, represented relatively goodness of fit of the model used. In addition, criterion-related validity showed a significant estimation power for the instrument, r=0.75, (p0.001). Cronbach’s alpha results (=0.87) conformed the reliability of the instrument. According to the results, applying this instrument to recognize the people and their problems and removing the stress amongst them is recommended.


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