Interactive Relationship between the Dimensions of Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Orientation with Respect to the Characteristics Approach (Case Study: City of Tabriz, Iran)
Author Affiliations
- 1Young Researchers and Elite Club, Pars Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pars Abad, IRAN
- 2Department of Management, East Azarbaijan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (4), Pages 112-120, April,2 (2014)
The present study examined the relationship between social capital and entrepreneurialism according to the approach of characteristics. The study sample consisted of residents of Tabriz (Iran). The population considered by morgan and more reliable, with 400 participants were recruited to the study. The data collection method is field studies and library research. In order to collect data from field studies of social capital and entrepreneurship questionnaire was used. The face validity of the questionnaire was reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha for the social capital questionnaire and 0.83 and 0.93 were reached. To test the research hypotheses of this study, multiple Regression and Pearson's correlation coefficient was used. Data were analyzed by 18 SPSS software. The results showed: significant positive relationship between entrepreneurship and social capital, there is a range of trust, cooperation, participation have a significant impact on entrepreneurship. There is a significant positive relationship between the influence of emotion and personality characteristics related to entrepreneurship such as risk taking, internal locus of control and pragmatism. This means that the effect of reinforcing a sense of personality characteristics related to entrepreneurship such as risk, internal control and pragmatism pragmatism will also increase.
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