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UniCon Remote Control Model – A Mobile System for Assistive Technology

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Computer Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi, PAKISTAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (4), Pages 95-102, April,2 (2014)


People with disability of any kind i.e. physical, mental or psychological may still be able to actively participate in society and spend a better life by using Assistive Technology devices/appliances. Assistive technology refers to the technology that provides assistance to disable person in reducing the effects of disability and enabling them to take actively part in their routine life. Researchers have proposed different AT devices as well as comprehensive systems to help people with disability in various areas. There are many industries, which intensively focused on designing and implementing AT devices or systems for disable persons, but integration of these devices and systems from different vendors is a major issue. Elder people or people with health issues use a significant number of AT devices/appliances on day-to-day basis. Operating these appliances with single mobile remote control can assist their living. However, as various vendors provide these appliances, compatibility of these appliances with single interface is challenging task. Mostly these devices/appliances and systems are not compatible with each other. This research proposes a model for universal remote control provided on mobile. This model integrates assistive living function and exploits mobile technology for providing a consistent interface for handling every device/appliance. A familiar interface for every device/appliance can assist people specially elder/disabled person to handle various devices and provide good user experience.


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