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Investigation the relationship of Staff's training courses with their performance

Author Affiliations

  • 1Faculty of Education And Consulting, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (4), Pages 1-6, April,2 (2014)


This paper aims to examine and explain the impacts of service training courses of the staff with their performance from the perspective of the managers and the staff of the department of dental and pharmacy of Azad University. 310 individuals of staff were chosen as a case study group. The data were analyzed by a single variable of the T- Test and also by using the SPSS software. The findings revealed that the highest scale of average among the items was devoted to the role of service training on job performance and the lowest scale was to the item of using new teaching technologies in courses of service training and there is relationship between any factors of holding service training courses, establishment of service training courses, content quality of service training courses, methods efficiency and new teaching technologies in service training courses and job performance of the staff. And also, there are no differences among the ideas of male and female staff to the establishment of service training courses and the last conclusion is that there is no difference between average scale of service training courses' efficiency in various levels of their educational such as diploma, upper diploma, BA and MA or higher degree statistically.


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