Role of Software Architect: A Pakistani Software Industry Perspective
Author Affiliations
- 1 University of Engineering and Technology, Mardan Campus, UET Peshawar, PAKISTAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 3, Issue (12), Pages 48-52, December,2 (2014)
There is a lack of research on effect of cultural and social issues on the role of software architect despite various evidences of their impact on software development. This study analyzed software architects and other software engineering professionals to assess their role in the social and cultural context of Pakistani software industry. The results suggest that majority of professionals perform various task not in their designated responsibilities. In turn this affects their performance. In addition time allocation for architecture development seem not to be affected with the use of architecture development tools which is opposite of developed countries. An alignment was found with the literature in the context that designated architect allocated more time for architecture development as compared to other professionals involved in architecture development. Similarly the perceptions of all those involved in architecture development seem not to affect time allocation of architecture development. Overall, the lack of designated architects in software projects led to under standard software projects a trend which needs to be changed.
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