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A Study of Kafka’s the Metamorphosis in the Light of FreudianPsychological Theory

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of English Literature, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, IRAN

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 2, Issue (10), Pages 107-109, October,2 (2013)


The aim of this manuscript is to consider Kafka’s The Metamorphosis in the light of Freudian psychological theories.Specifically, The Metamorphosis will be seen as Kafka’s own autobiography. The Metamorphosis is the dramatization ofGregor’s inner world, the world which is depicted by Kafka is the world of unconscious. Freud defined the unconscious as aworld in which our suppressed wills, feelings, horrors, drives and conflicts are hold. Why Gregor transferred in to a biginsect? Why he was killed by his father? Why he knows himself responsible for family financial problem? This paper aims toanswer all these questions.


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