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A Method in Security of Wireless Sensor Network based on Optimized Artificial immune system in Multi-Agent Environments

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Computer Science, Tabarestan University of Chalous, IRAN
  • 2School of Engineering and Technology, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, MALAYSIA
  • 3Institute of Bioscience, University Putra Malaysia, MALAYSIA
  • 4Faculty of Computer system and Information Technology, University Of Malaya, MALAYSIA

Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 2, Issue (10), Pages 99-106, October,2 (2013)


Security in computer networks is one of the most interesting aspects of computer systems. It is typically represented by theinitials CIA: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication or availability. Although, many access levels for data protectionhave been identified in computer networks, the intruders would still find lots of ways to harm sites and systems. Theaccommodation proceedings and the security supervision in the network systems, especially wireless sensor networks havebeen changed into a challenging point. One of the newest security algorithms for wireless sensor networks is ArtificialImmune System (AIS) algorithm. Human lymphocytes play the main role in recognizing and destroying the unknownelements. In this article, we focus on the inspiration of these defective systems to guarantee the complications security usingtwo algorithms; the first algorithms proposed to distinguish self-nodes from non-self ones by the related factors and thesecond one is to eliminate the enemy node danger.The results showed a high rate success and good rate of detecting forunknown object; it could present the best nodes with high affinity and fitness to be selected to confront the unknown agents.


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