A Comparative Study of Judicial Evaluation of Testimony in Islamic and Positive Law
Author Affiliations
- 1Payamenoor University, Faculty member of Islamic Azad University, Abadeh, Fars, IRAN
- 2 Tehran University, Flat 35, No 297, Bustan Building, Pasdaran Ave, Tehran, IRAN
- 3Payamenoor University, Province Payamenoor, 40 Imam Khomeini Ave, Mashhad, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 2, Issue (10), Pages 73-80, October,2 (2013)
In new legislations, there is a trend to enhance the power of the civil judge as in criminal affairs and have more trust in himin order to discover the truth. Therefore, the rules limiting the judge’s diagnostic power are decreasing, in such a way thatthe traditional view based on separating criminal cases from civil lawsuit has disappeared in proving. The positive lawsystem of Iran, following Islam, the constitutional and legal principles of which are sincere and conscience confidence of thejudge based on free evaluation of evidence and impressed by the world’s legal system, is moving fast toward the freeevidence system to find the truth and administer justice. Its feature is free legal evaluation of the evidence to help the judge to evaluate any evidence such as testimony.
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