Spiritual Intelligence of Tabriz Azad University Educators in Relation to their Professional Uplifting
Author Affiliations
- 1Educational Administration Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
- 2Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch, Tehran, IRAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 2, Issue (10), Pages 67-72, October,2 (2013)
There is a general concord that learning is a lifelong process and a school trainer’s best practice includes devotion tolifelong learning and an obligation to personal and professional development. For this trainers must be equipped withenough practical knowledge, skill and efficiency in order to do well their duties. One of the critical angles involved in theuplifting of a healthy, sound and safe and individually responsible and successful people is Spiritual Intelligence. In thispaper with a sample of 119 Tabriz Azad University Educators results showed that there is a bold affirmative relationshipbetween spiritual intelligence and professional uplifting of Tabriz Azad University Educators.
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