Knowledge Management for Disaster Scenario: An Exploratory Study
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Computer Science and I.T, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences and Technology, MSC Block, Block 9, Gulshan-e-Iqbal,Karachi, PAKISTAN
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 2, Issue (10), Pages 61-66, October,2 (2013)
As a human being we all are believe that natural disasters cannot be eliminated from the earth. But losses can be minimizedby reducing response time to a disaster. In a couple of years natural disaster occurrence frequency is increased due toclimate changes. When a disaster took place, it is necessary to start the relief work at affected site to save more and morelives. Effective communication, collaboration between different departments, NGO’s and communities can reduce andminimize the losses of lives and property. Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Mobile Technology (MT) canplay a vital role in DM. The aim of this research is to explore existing DM systems (DMS) and investigation of currenttechnology contributing in development of DMS. Study of variety of DMS gives the opportunity to address the problems in existing DMS as well as discover the immediate needs to enhance the DMS. One of the objectives is to anticipate, collect andanalyze the requirements to develop a model for disaster management on the basis of enterprise architecture (EA).Additional challenges are evolution of the proposed model with the help of prototype or simulation of latest technology.
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