A Study on Characteristics of fish mucus and their Antifungal activity
Author Affiliations
- 1Govt. V.Y.T.P.G. Autonomous College Durg, CG, India
- 2Govt. V.Y.T.P.G. Autonomous College Durg, CG, India
Res. J. Recent Sci., Volume 12, Issue (3), Pages 21-27, October,2 (2023)
In their aquatic habitat, the fishes are simultaneously exposed to environments comprising various pathogenic micro-organisms, so that they need a constant mechanism to combat these pathogens and eliminate potential infections. The integumentary layer in fishes is exchange between them and the external environment protects the fish from pathogenic attacks. Recently, this mucus of the fishes has gained importance in the field of biomedical research, because of its ability to tackle infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi, by providing innate immunity to the fishes. It is being studied for its potential applications in human medicine. This review is an outline of the active potency of fish integumentary mucus and its and effective role against several human pathogens and the treatment of their resulting clinical infections.
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