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Statistical Material Balance Analysis of Water Drive Reservoirs

Author Affiliations

  • 1Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 6, Issue (2), Pages 51-58, February,18 (2016)


Statistical approach of advancing material balance analysis of undersaturated reservoir under water drive mechanism was investigated in this research study. Formulated model was solved by using rotational discrimination technique’s algorithm arising from the weighted steepest descent model to pertub the objective function of the formulated model.The algorithm was applied to determine the stock tank oil initial in place, cumulative production from the reservoir and water influx into the reservoir. The regressed results from the algorithm history matched production history based on stock tank oil initial in place, cumulative production and water influx into the reservoir with a deviation of 0.1456 percent for the stock tank oil initial in place.


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