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Characterization and Pesticidal Studies of Dibutyltin (IV) Derivatives of diphenylamine-2-hydroxy-2'-carboxylic acid

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Applied Sciences (Chemistry), Hindustan Institute of Technology and Management, Keetham, Agra, 282 007, INDIA

Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 4, Issue (1), Pages 75-77, January,18 (2014)


Organotin (IV) compounds of diphenylamine derivatives have synthesized by the reaction of dibutyltin diisopropoxide with diphenylamine-2-hydroxy-2’-carboxylic acid in 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1 molar ratios. These compounds have been characterized by elemental analyses, IR spectral analyses, H NMR spectral analyses and molar conductance measurements. The products are screened for pesticidal activities against the pest ‘Red Flour Beetle’ (Tribolium castaneum). The compounds exhibited enhanced pesticidal effects as compared to the ligand.


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