Statistical Optimization based Production of L-Glutaminase (EC. by Serratia marcescens under submerged Fermentation
Author Affiliations
- 1Bioprocess Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, TN-608 002, INDIA
- 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, Tamil Nadu- 608 002, INDIA
Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 3, Issue (6), Pages 43-53, June,18 (2013)
L-Glutaminase majorly produced by microorganism including bacteria, yeast and fungi.L-Glutaminase mainly catalyzes the hydrolysis of ?-amido bond of L-Glutamine. In this report medium components optimization was through one-factor-at-atime approach for the submerged production of L-Glutaminase by serratia marcescens using different additional carbon, nitrogen, amino acids, mineral salts and was treated with different concentration of sodium chloride. A significant influence of medium components (g/L) Galactose 10.0, Yeast extract 10.0, L-Glutamine 10.0, Manganous sulphate 0.5, KH2PO4 0.5, K2HPO4 0.5, NaCl 7.5 on L-Glutaminase production was noted. After medium components optimization, a face centered central composite design was used to identify the interactive effects of five independent variables,viz., Temperature , pH, Time, different concentration of Galactose and L-Glutamine on L-Glutaminase production. A significant influence of variables on L-Glutaminase production was noted. Response surface methodology predicted that a production containing Temperature 36.31oC, pH 7.34, Time 67.63 h, Galactose 40.20 g/L and L-Glutamine 19.09 g/L to be optimum for the production of L-Glutaminase.This medium components and parameters was projected theoretically to produce an LGlutaminase activity of 2676.15 IU/ml.The used methodology was validated using this optimized media components and parameters, the L-Glutaminase activity 2670.01 IU/ml was obtained.
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