Preparation of nanoparticles incorporated green paper using organic waste
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Biotechnology, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, Haryana India and Department of Chemistry, Gargi, College New Delhi, India
- 2Department of Chemistry, Gargi College New Delhi, India
- 3Department of Biotechnology, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, Haryana India
Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 11, Issue (3), Pages 33-38, October,18 (2021)
Paper production is one of the major causes of deforestation, around the world this contributes to the rising quantity of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and, as a result, led to global warming. In this paper, a sustainable solution for the production of paper from tea leaf waste has been reported. Organic waste such as waste tea-leaf, mango seeds, and Indian blackberry seeds are used as an alternative source for paper making. Metal nanoparticles have been incorporated in this paper to enhance the utility. These improved the quality of the synthesized paper by imparting microbial resistance, whiteness, hydrophobicity, and high strength to the synthesized paper. Limonene was also used for increasing the shelf-life of the paper produced. The synthesized paper was produced successfully with all the basic required qualities. Paper produced is cost-effective, writeable, with good tearing strength and shelf-life. The produced paper was kept under observation for one year and it retained the properties for the time. The texture of the paper produced is somewhat like cardboard which can prove to be a good packing paper material, with other uses of a similar kind.
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- Pacheco, P., Mo, K., Dudley, N., Shapiro, A., Aguilar-Amuchastegui, N., Ling, P.Y., Anderson, C. and Marx, A. (2021)., Deforestation fronts: Drivers and responses in a changing world., WWF, Gland, Switzerland.
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- Fahmy Y., YA Fahmy T., Mobarak F., El-Sakhawy M. (2017)., Agricultural Residues (Wastes) for Manufacture of Paper, Board, and Miscellaneous Products: Background Overview and Future Prospects., International Journal of ChemTech Research, 10(2), 424-448. DOI:10.5281/ zenodo.546735
- Kairyte K., Kadys A. and Luksiene Z. (2013)., Antibacterial and antifungal activity of photoactivated ZnO nanoparticles in suspension., J. Photochem Photobiol B Biol. 128, 78–84.
- Uwidia I. E., Owolabi B. J. and Okafor R. C. (2020)., Extraction, Derivatization, Characterization, and Antifungal Investigation of Limonene from Citrus sinensis Peels., Tanzania Journal of Science, 46(2), 419-429.
- Erasto P. and Viljoen A. M. (2008)., Limonene - A Review: Biosynthetic, Ecological and Pharmacological Relevance., Natural Product Communications, 3(7). 1193 – 1202.
- Prasad R. Mahajan, Pratika D. Wankhede & Omkumar S. Gulhane. (2017)., Extraction of D- Limonene from orange Peels., Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches. DOI-10.5281/zenodo.804823.
- Aung W. P., Myint Y. W. and Saw Mya Ni (2020)., Synthesis of calcium carbonate nanoparticles by chemical precipitation method., DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.18905.34402
- Chung Y T et al. (2015)., Synthesis of minimal-size ZnO nanoparticles through the sol-gel method: Taguchi design optimization Mater., Des. 87 780–7
- Md Jahidul Haque et al. (2020)., Synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles by two different methods & comparison of their structural, antibacterial, photocatalytic, and optical properties., IOPSCIENCE, Nano Express, 1(1).
- Hariharan M., Varghese N., Cherian A. B., Sreenivasan P. V., Paul J. Antony. K.A. (2014)., Synthesis and Characterisation of CaCO3 (Calcite) Nanoparticles from Cockle Shells Using Chitosan as Precursor., International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(10).
- Abd El-Sayed, E. S., El-Sakhawy, M., & El-Sakhawy, M. A. M. (2020)., Non-wood fibers as raw material for pulp and paper industry., Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 35(2), 215-230. DOI:10.1515/npprj-2019-0064