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Vibrational spectroscopy: an effective technique for characterization and failure analysis of automotive materials

Author Affiliations

  • 1The Automotive Research Association of India, Environment Research Laboratory, Pune, India
  • 2The Automotive Research Association of India, Environment Research Laboratory, Pune, India
  • 3The Automotive Research Association of India, Environment Research Laboratory, Pune, India
  • 4The Automotive Research Association of India, Environment Research Laboratory, Pune, India

Res.J.chem.sci., Volume 10, Issue (3), Pages 53-59, October,18 (2020)


Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is used to identify compounds very rapidly and conclusively. Plastics, rubbers, fillers, paints, coatings, resins, adhesives and blends are some examples of compounds which can be identified by using FTIR. The sensitivity of FTIR enables detection of contamination present in very small quantity which makes it a vital tool for quality control and quality assurance applications. Thus, FTIR plays an important role to compare batch-to-batch products for meeting quality standards. This paper presents application of FTIR as an effective tool for evaluation of materials. A few case studies of analysis of variety of automotive materials including contaminate analysis of brake fluid, fabric sample used in roof lining of passenger car, painted panel of fuel tank and compatibility of material with alternate fuel using FTIR are presented. The evaluation using FTIR for the above cases provided objective evidences for confirmation of probable causes for material failure.


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