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Table of Contents

Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 11, Issue (2), Pages 1-22, August (2023)

Research Paper

1. Optical, morphological and thermal studies of polyaniline (PANI)-ZnS composites and their sensitivity performance towards ammonia
A. Akbar,D. Sarkar (2023). Res. J. Physical Sci., 11(2), 1-8.
2. Study of the physical and mechanical properties in volume of TiN by the MEAM method
Yahnn Jeancy MIGHENSLE MIMBOUI,Alain Second DZABANA HONGHELET,Timothée SONGO (2023). Res. J. Physical Sci., 11(2), 9-18.

Review Paper

3. New trends in thermo luminescent dosimetry materials
Shashi Kant Rathore,Manendra Mehta,Usha Rathore (2023). Res. J. Physical Sci., 11(2), 19-22.