Potassium doping effect on tungsten bronze KxWO3 structure
Author Affiliations
- 1Research Group of Physical Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Materials, Brazzaville, Congo and Faculty of Science and Technology (University Marien Ngouabi), Brazzaville, Congo
- 2Research Group of Physical Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Materials, Brazzaville, Congo, Faculty of Science and Technology (University Marien Ngouabi), Brazzaville, Congo and Center of Geological and Mining Research, Brazzaville, Congo
Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 6, Issue (1), Pages 1-8, January,4 (2018)
The effect of potassium doping in cubic, hexagonal and monoclinical tungsten bronze KxWO3 structure has been studied experimentally and by the EAM method. For the experimental method WO3 was deposited in phase vapor deposition using reactive sputtering triode D.C method on the mica substrate. Embedded Atom Method (EAM) was used to discuss experimental results and to predict the effect of potassium content on nanorods crystallographic structure. The experimental results shows the nanorods obtained in the range of 3500C to 5500C with different size were observed at two directions in the potassium concentration zone. EAM analysis showed that potassium content has a significant effect both on the stability and crystallographic of nanorods structure. These results were found to be in agreement with other authors.
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