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Acoustic study of ethanolic binary mixture of natural sap of phoenix sylvestris at different temperature

Author Affiliations

  • 1Dept. of Physics Yash College Badnawar, MP, India
  • 2Dept.of Chemistry Shri Ambika Adarsh College Badnawar, MP, India
  • 3Dept. of Physics, Govt. P.G. College Bioara, MP, India
  • 4School of Studies in Physics, DAVV, Indore, MP, India
  • 5Dept. of Physics Govt. Girls College Dhar, MP, India

Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 5, Issue (2), Pages 1-4, March,4 (2017)


Various thermodynamic properties of solid and liquid can be determined by measurement of ultrasonic velocity. Properties of liquid may vary with the variation in temperature and concentration of solution. Present experimental study has been performed at three different temperatures to measure the longitudinal sound velocity by means of ultrasonic interferometer. Binary solutions of different concentration were prepared by mixing sap of Phoenix sylvestris in pure ethanol (99.9% AR grade). In the sequal acoustic parameters including acoustic impedance (Z), adiabatic compressibility (&


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