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Table of Contents

Res. J. Physical Sci., Volume 5, Issue (2), Pages 1-7, March (2017)

Research Paper

1. Acoustic study of ethanolic binary mixture of natural sap of phoenix sylvestris at different temperature
Chouhan R.S.,Chouhan M.S.,Shrivastav B.D.,Mishra A.,Phadke S. (2017). Res. J. Physical Sci., 5(2), 1-4.

Short Communication

2. Effect of BaCl2 doping on structural and electrical properties of PEO based solid polymer electrolyte films
Rohan N. Sagar,V. Ravindrachary,Guruswamy B.,Shreedatta Hegde,Praveena S.D. (2017). Res. J. Physical Sci., 5(2), 5-7.