Prevalence of active HCV Infection and identification of its common Genotypes in District Mardan, Pakistan
Author Affiliations
- 1 Khyber Medical Collage, Peshawar Khyber Paktunkhwa, PAKISTAN
- 2 Microbiology Department Hazara University, Mansehra, PAKISTAN
- 3 Peshawar Medical Collage, Peshawar, Khyber Paktunkhwa PAKISTAN
- 4 Institute of Microbiology, University of Sindh Jamshoro Sindh PAKISTAN
- 5 Zoology Department KUST, Khyber Paktunkhwa, PAKISTAN
- 6 IBMS Khyber Medical University, Peshawar Khyber Paktunkhwa, PAKISTAN
- 7 Zoology Department Hazara University Mansehra, Khyber Paktunkhwa, PAKISTAN
Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., Volume 2, Issue (4), Pages 7-11, April,28 (2014)
The present study demonstrate the prevalence of active Hepatitis C viral infection and identification of its common genotypes circulating in district Mardan. A total of 582 patients were enrolled in this study in which 267 were male and 315 were female. Out of 582 samples, 329 were found HCV RNA positive through real-time PCR. The rates of active HCV infection were 59.9% in male while 53.6% in female. Age group above 60 were found with high rate of HCV infection, that is 80%. Out of 329 samples. Further a sum of 220 PCR based HCV RNA positive samples were screened for identification of HCV genotypes. Out of 220 positive samples Genotype 3a was found in 68.1%, 1a in 11.3%, 1b in 4.5%, Mixed-genotype in 4% and 3b in 2.7% while Untypable genotype in 9.5%. It was concluded from the present study that occurrence of active HCV infection rate were high in District Mardan and 3a was the most common genotype present in District Mardan.
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