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Table of Contents

Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., Volume 2, Issue (4), Pages 1-23, April (2014)


Adieu to a Scientific Luminary
C. Mathew Biju, International Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 2(4), 1 (2014)

Research Paper

1. Role of Social Determinants in Glycemic Control of Type 2 Diabetic Subjects
Kadam SwapnaS.,B.S. Payghan,R. Mayuri Reddy,R.C. Kumara Swamy (2014). Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., 2(4), 2-6.
2. Prevalence of active HCV Infection and identification of its common Genotypes in District Mardan, Pakistan
Muhammad Wasim,Asad Ullah Khan,Bakth Biland, ,Muhammad waqar,Noor Ul Akbar,Razi Ullah,Muhammad Adnan Shereen,Muhammad Azam,Akram Khan,Sarfaraz Ahmad Tunio,Sana Ullah,Muhammad Ilyas Khan,Hayan Ullah,Tahir Sarwar (2014). Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., 2(4), 7-11.
3. Literacy and different Stages at diagnosis of Female Breast Cancers: A Retrospective Study from a Regional Cancer Centre
Manigreeva Krishnatreya, Amal Chandra Kataki,Jagannath Dev Sharma,Tapti Kumari,Binita Das (2014). Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., 2(4), 12-15.
4. Transfusion Transmitted Diseases/Infections among Blood donors in a Tertiary Care Hospital at Rajkot, Gujrat, India
Gauravi A. Dhruva,AmitH. Agravat,J.D. Dalsania,AnkitaA. Katara*,Rutvi G. Dave (2014). Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., 2(4), 16-19.
5. MEMS Accelerometer based control of Prosthetic Hand
D. Deepika Princess,R. Priya,Jagannath Mohan (2014). Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., 2(4), 20-23.