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Prevalence of Comorbidities, AIDS related symptoms and Associated Factors among Workers Living With HIV/AIDS Attending ARV Clinics in Health Institutions in Enugu, Nigeria

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Department of Community Medicine, Enugu State University College of Medicine, Parklane Enugu, NIGERIA
  • 2 Department of Community Medicine, University of Nigeria Nsukka, NIGERIA
  • 3 Department of Community Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, NIGERIA

Int. Res. J. Medical Sci., Volume 2, Issue (12), Pages 9-14, December,28 (2014)


Background: As HIV/AIDS has transformed into a chronic medical disease and people living with HIV are living into old age, chronic comorbidities are beginning to appear. The study is aimed at determining the prevalence of comorbidities and associated factors among workers living with HIV/AIDS attending ARV clinics in Health Institutions in Enugu, South East Nigeria. Method: It was a cross sectional descriptive study done in 2014 among 489 HIV positive workers attending ARV clinics in Enugu. Pre-tested self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was the data collection instrument. Result: The age range of the respondents was 22-75 years with a modal age range of 31-40 years (38.7%). Most were females 255 (52.1%), married 291 (59.5%) and government employees 237 (48.5%). The range of working years in present job was 1-45 years. 119 (24.3%) respondents were symptomatic and practically all of them had multiple comorbidities. AIDS defining conditions present among the respondents were fever: 106 (89.1%), persistent diarrhoea: 52 (43.7%) and tuberculosis: 25 (21%). Comorbidities identified were hypertension: 53 (44.5%), arthritis: 44 (37%) and diabetes mellitus: 9 (7.9%). Age above 50 years was the only significant social factor related to co-morbidities.. Major challenges faced were high pill burden: 113 (95%), increased side effects: 98 (82.4%) and cost of medication: 67 (56.3%) and workplace victimization (79.8%). Conclusion: AIDS defining and non-AIDS defining comorbidities were prevalent among our respondents. Those above 50 years were more likely to develop comorbidities. HIV workplace policy should include assisting in management of comorbidities.


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