Linear / Non Linear Plus Fractional Goal Programming (L/NLPFGP) Approach in stratified sampling design
Author Affiliations
- 1Division of Agri-stat SKUAST-K, Salimar, Srinagar, INDIA
- 2Division of Agri-stat SKUAST-K, Salimar, Srinagar, INDIA
- 3Division of Agri-stat SKUAST-K, Salimar, Srinagar, INDIA
- 4Division of Agri-stat SKUAST-K, Salimar, Srinagar, INDIA
Res. J. Mathematical & Statistical Sci., Volume 3, Issue (12), Pages 1-5, December,12 (2015)
This article deals with the problem of finding an integer optimal allocation of sample sizes in stratified sampling design as a problem of multi-objective optimization. In this paper tertiary objective stratified sampling design is converted into linear/non linear plus fractional goal programming. Then a fuzzy goal programming approach is used to solve the converted problem through LINGO. When a non integer solution is obtained then Branch and Bound method is used to obtain the integer solution. Numerical illustration is also given for the demonstration of proposed approach.
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