Check list of rocky reef associated fishes of south Kerala coast, India
Author Affiliations
- 1Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram 695581 Kerala, India
- 2Department of Aquatic Environment Management, School of Fisheries RM & HT, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad, Kochi - 682506, Kerala, India
- 3Department of Zoology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram -695581 Kerala, India
- 4Amity Thiruvananthapuram Center for Marine Science and Technology 3 Ravi Nagar, Ambalamukku, Peroorkada, P.O., Thiruvananthapuram-695005, India
Res. J. Marine Sci., Volume 7, Issue (1), Pages 1-13, June,13 (2019)
In this manuscript a checklist of 232 species of rocky reef associated fishes,a least documented area of tropical ichthyofauna recorded from the rocky reefs of south Kerala coast of the Indian Subcontinent. This 232 fish species were reported in the present study belong to 2 Classes, 16 Orders, 62 Families and 114Genera.Among the 62Families recorded in the study, Pomacentridae the found as most specious family with 20 species of fishes belongs to 7 genera and followed by Labridae (18), Lutjanidae (15), Chaetodontidae (11), Apogonidae (10), Acanthuridae (11), Muraenidae (9), Serranidae (9), Scorpaenidae (8), Blenniidae (8), Haemulidae (6), Mullidae (6), Holocentridae(5), Carangidae(5), Gobiidae(5) and Balistidae (5). Among the listed species, 141 species records asLeast Concern, followed by Not Included 77 species, Data Deficient 8 species, Near Threatened 5 species, and Endangered and Vulnerable categories are 1 on each.
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