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Table of Contents

Res. J. Marine Sci., Volume 7, Issue (1), Pages 1-32, June (2019)

Research Paper

1. Check list of rocky reef associated fishes of south Kerala coast, India
P.T. Baiju ,M.P. Prabhakaran ,F.G. Benno Pereira ,Jayaprakas V. (2019). Res. J. Marine Sci., 7(1), 1-13.
2. Food, feeding biology and hypothesis on occurrence of empty stomach of the Plicofollis tenuispinis (Day, 1877) landed along the Veraval centre of the Saurashtra coast of the India
Bhaskar Bhukya (2019). Res. J. Marine Sci., 7(1), 14-21.

Research Article

3. Study of water quality parameters and calculation of water quality index for intensive merguensis shrimp method (penaeus merguiensis de Man)
Martta Marlia Chandra ,Anggoro Sutrisno ,Wirasatriya Anindya (2019). Res. J. Marine Sci., 7(1), 22-28.

Short Communication

4. Plankton dynamics in a backwater estuarine canal (T.S. Canal, Thottapally), Kerala, India
Bharghavan S. Jaishinimol ,Radhakrishnan Tresa (2019). Res. J. Marine Sci., 7(1), 29-32.