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Wuthering Heights: Stream of Consciousness

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Studies in English, Nehru College and PG Centre, Hubli-580020 Karnataka, India

Res. J.  Language and Literature Humanities, Volume 3, Issue (3), Pages 18-21, March,19 (2016)


Emily Bronte struck the rock to obtain the living waters of beauty from the rugged moors and she extracted a solace which she could not seek in any gentler place. A sombre and majestic music sounds through her lines in her masterpiece, Wuthering Heights (1847). This work is subject to many eulogies and appreciations. This piece of literature carries the in-flow and out-flows of movements which runs inwards and out words. The intense and deep feelings thus mirrored highlight the overlapping of complete and incomplete thoughts. The images produced make the plot and the characters complex. .Notwithstanding, the perplexity of the plot and the awkwardness having an elaborate and wildly passionate story told by a faithful housekeeper, the novel is one of the major imaginative creations of a psychology leading to stream of consciousness form of writing.


  1. Sanger C.P. (1926)., The Structure of Wuthering Heights., The Hogarth Press, London.
  2. Smith A. ed. (1976)., The Art of Emily Bronte’., Vision Press, London, 7.
  3. McKibben R.C. (1960)., The Image of the book in Wuthering Heights., Nineteenth Century Fiction, 15(2), 159-169.
  4. Everitt A., ed. (1967)., Wuthering Heights: An Anthology of Criticism., Frank Cass and Co. Ltd, London.
  5. Van Ghent D. (1961)., The English Novel: Form and Function., Rinehart and Co. Inc., New York.
  6. Vargish T. (1971)., Revenge and “Wuthering Heights”., Studies in the Novel, 3(1), 7-17.
  7. Worth G.J. (1958)., Emily Bronte, Nineteenth Century Fiction, 12(4), 315-320.
  8. Pavanello, Silvia (2006)., The Narrative Technique In Wuthering Heights., Bachlor thesis, Padova Digitel University Archive.
  9. Leavis F.R. and Q.D. Leavis (1969)., Lectures in America., Chatto and Windus Ltd., London, 85-138.