Economic Impact of British colonial rule on Indian Agriculture: A Review
Author Affiliations
- 1Govt. College of Women, Jakhan Dadi Village, Ratia, Fatehabad, Haryana, INDIA
Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 5, Issue (2), Pages 56-58, February,14 (2016)
The main strength of Indian economy is agriculture and around 70% Indian population relies upon agriculture. In the agriculture sector, prominent progress in the creation of goods and production of commercial crops, oilseeds, food grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and poultry has found during past years. The agriculture had special importance in self-sufficient village economy. But British colonial rule distorted the complete nature and structure of India economy. The main cause for this was land revenue, which was the major source of the state income. They implemented land revenue systems i.e. permanent, mahalwari and ryotwari system to collect maximum revenue and set up a colonial marketplace in this realm for the British produce. This results into destruction of economic conditions of India.
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