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Forest Resource Management: The use of Indigenous Knowledge

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Dept. of Sociology, Katapali, Via. Bardol, Dist. Bargarh 768038, Odisha, INDIA

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 4, Issue (9), Pages 21-29, September,14 (2015)


Indigenous knowledge is human life experience in the distinct natural and social compound, with the unique local and contemporary setting. The Pengaparaja live in harmony with their forest environment and their culture incorporates the spiritual and material, the living and non living into one integral whole. This holistic concept is evident and expressed in their myths traditions. The Pengaparaja have their own taxonomies of flora and fauna. They are familiar with and have a thorough knowledge about growth, maturity, efflorescence and decay about plants that are available in their forests. Particularly the Pengaparaja women are very particular about which type of bamboo shoots should be collected. It is analogous seen in the forest near the sample villages that patches with thick forest cover are left untouched by them. Only the patches with scanty growth and under growth are cleared by them for dangarchas.


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