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Dilemma or changeover: Drawing on departure to outcome-based education in Afghanistan

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Kabul University, Kabul-Afghanistan
  • 2Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, Bamyan University, Bamyan-Afghanistan
  • 3Department of general Education, Faculty of Education, Faryab University, Faryab-Afghanistan
  • 4Faculty of Economics, Kabul University, Kabul-Afghanistan

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 11, Issue (3), Pages 13-18, July,14 (2022)


In this study, we hypothesize the significant difference between the traditional and Outcome-based Education (OBE) curriculum development and implementation in Afghanistan. For this purpose, we retrieve a set of data covering the total percentage of graduated students in 2017 as an outcome of traditional curriculum and the total percentage of graduated students in 2019 as an outcome of OBE curriculum from the central curriculum committee and professional development center’s database of Kabul University. Applying the independent two sample t-test with unequal variance method, we find that the corresponding p-value for t-test being 0.000 < 0.01 is statistically significant to reject the null hypothesis. We conclude that there is a significant difference between OBE and traditional curriculum output expressed in terms of graduate’s employability in the local Market. Thus, our statistical findings evidence the favor for OBE over the traditional curriculum implementation as a coefficient of employability in Afghanistan.


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