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Comparison of relationship between global innovation index achievements and university achievements in terms of Countries

Author Affiliations

  • 1Department of Industrial Engineering, Çukurova University, Turkey
  • 2Department of Industrial Engineering, Ankara Science University, Turkey
  • 3Department of Computer Engineering, Çukurova University, Turkey

Int. Res. J. Social Sci., Volume 11, Issue (2), Pages 1-11, April,14 (2022)


In this study, analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between the countries’ achievements in the Global Innovation Index and the international achievements of the universities in the relevant countries. For university achievements, the data from HEEACT and ARWU rankings that measure the achievements of the universities worldwide were used. In the study, first, using the Global Innovation Index data of the countries and their respective data in HEEACT and ARWU rankings, Chi-square tests were performed and as a result, a significant relationship was detected. To determine the direction and degree of this relationship, Correlation tests were performed and it was concluded that there was a strong linear correlation between the innovation environment in the countries and the achievements of their universities. Finally, considering the continents and economic-political groups (G7, G20, BRICS) the countries were in, the data was classified using k-Means Cluster Analysis. It was found that GII, HEEACT, and ARWU achievements varied depending on the continent and economic-political groups the countries are in.


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