Development and Optimization of Bilayer Floating Tablets of Glipizide
Author Affiliations
- 1 Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rahasthan, INDIA
Res. J. of Pharmaceutical Sci., Volume 2, Issue (9), Pages 8-12, October,30 (2013)
Present work was an attempt for the development of FDDS with sustained-release of Glipizide using HPMC K-grade and Xanthan gum. The formulations showed promising sustained-release floating matrix tablets of Glipizide. Being obvious, HPMC K15M shown better retardation as compare to HPMC K 4M due to higher viscosity grade. High concentrations of higher viscosity-grade polymers induced the creation of stronger viscous-gel, which retarded the water penetration rate in the tablet-matrix, which might resulted in the extended release of drug. Polymer to drug ratio 2:1 shown better retardation due to higher concentration of polymers, while polymer to drug ratio 1:1 was unable to retard the release for 12hrs. When HPMC K15M and HPMC K4M used in ratio of 9:1 with xanthan gum, they shown more retardation and less than 75 % drug released in 12hrs, but when these polymers used in ratio 1:1 with xanthan gum shown better control over release pattern of the drug.
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