12th International Science Congress (ISC-2024) on 8th and 9th December 2024.  International E-publication: Publish Projects, Dissertation, Theses, Books, Souvenir, Conference Proceeding with ISBN. 

Investigation of Herbal Extract as Hepatoprotective

Author Affiliations

  • 1L.M. College of Science and Technology, Pharmacy Wing, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA
  • 2 Department of Pharmaceutics, Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, INDIA

Res. J. of Pharmaceutical Sci., Volume 1, Issue (3), Pages 16-18, November,30 (2012)


In this paper we investigate hepatoprotective activity of herbal extracts of amorphophallus campanulatus, casuarina equistfolia, orthosiphon stamineus, pterocarpus santalinus, aegle marmelos, chamomile recutita ptero corpus marsupial, luffa echinata and Embelia Ribes. Results of the studies showed that all tested extract have moderate to excellent hepatoprotective activity with marmelos species showing the maximum. Further optimization of the study will results in potent herbal compounds as hepatoprotectives.


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