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Review on behavioural factors affecting investment decisions

Author Affiliations

  • 1Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, CG, India
  • 2Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, CG, India

Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 6, Issue (5), Pages 50-53, May,6 (2017)


This paper provides background to explore the key objectives of behavioural finance and its determinants which attempt to explain the biases and inefficiencies present in the financial market. The purpose of this paper is to identify some future research issues of the determinants of behavioural finance in correlation to investment strategies and management. The research is based on searching keywords in database in Google Scholar, Elsevier and Emerald on the basis of number of publications and times cited for the respective factor to measure the contributions of active researchers. Considering behavioural finance as emerging area of research in relation with investment strategies many researchers are contributing, making it a significant field of study considering specific determinant. This paper highlights with limited number of literature survey that there is considerable impact of determinants on decision making and need to be studied in depth. Most of the model formulated for analysis purpose in the literatures so far reviewed has some limitations to justify every behavioural factor and variables. Research related to factors which have association with varying time like time varying aggregate risk and variation in return is to be analysed. Finally, this paper will draw unique conclusions across behavioural finance and hypothesise about which determinants within the scope of behavioural finance are likely to yield most influencing research in the near future.


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