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Empirical Study on Addressing High Employee Attrition in BPO Industry Focusing on Employee Salary and other Factors in Karnataka and Kerala States of India

Author Affiliations

  • 1 Humanities and Management Department, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka,INDIA
  • 2 Department of Management Studies, Thalassery campus, Palayad, Kannur University, Kerala, INDIA

Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 2, Issue (9), Pages 7-11, September,6 (2013)


Globally competitive organizations will depend on the uniqueness of their human resources and the systems for managing human resources effectively to become successful. Outsourcing is a management process in the globalized business context that has been well understood, tried and tested by successful organizations across the world. The issue of employee attrition/ turnover has been found to be making huge economic impact on the Business Process Outsourcing organizations located in the states of Karnataka and Kerala. The present study aimed at addressing high employee attrition in the above sector by identifying the Critical Factors which causes high attrition. The data has been collected through a structured questionnaire survey. The study identified 13 factors affecting high employee attrition in BPO industry using Factor Analysis. Also multiple regression analysis was applied to analyze the collected data. It is found that the attrition factor employee’s salary has emerged as the most critical factor affecting high attrition in the BPO sector of the above two states.


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