Teachers perception on HRD Climate with reference to private schools in western Odisha, India
Author Affiliations
- 1Padmashree Kruthartha Acharya College of Engineering (PKACE), Bargarh, Odisha,INDIA
- 2 NTPC Ltd. Sipat, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, INDIA
Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 2, Issue (3), Pages 12-18, March,6 (2013)
Teachers are the most imperative factor who shapes the behaviour of a child. They are the most essential element for the development of an elegant society. With high-quality teachers the civilization can move in the right direction. Therefore the development of teachers in education sector has key role to play in the development of a nation. Present study focuses on the issue of Human resource development climate prevailing in the private schools of western Odisha. Based on teacher’s opinion the OCTAPAC Culture, general climate and HRD implementation dimension were surveyed and the overall HRD Climate was calculated.
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