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Table of Contents

Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 2, Issue (3), Pages 1-30, March (2013)

Research Paper

1. Course Websites and their Contribution to Students Evaluation of Instructors and their Courses
Nitza Davidovich,Roman Yavich (2013). Res. J. Management Sci., 2(3), 1-7.
2. Empirical Investigation of Impact of Capital Formation by Agriculture and Industry on Industrial Productivity in India
Rajni Pathania (2013). Res. J. Management Sci., 2(3), 8-11.
3. Teachers perception on HRD Climate with reference to private schools in western Odisha, India
Pushkar Dubey,N. Surenthiran (2013). Res. J. Management Sci., 2(3), 12-18.

Research Article

4. Indian Auto Component Industry: A Decade of Growth and Way Forward
VijayBhasker Velury (2013). Res. J. Management Sci., 2(3), 19-27.
5. An inventory Model for deteriorating items with Weibull Deterioration with Time Dependent Demand and Shortages
Vikas Sharma,RekhaRani Chaudhary (2013). Res. J. Management Sci., 2(3), 28-30.