A literature review of empirical studies on corporate social responsibility initiatives
Author Affiliations
- 1MATS University, Raipur, CG, India
Res. J. Management Sci., Volume 10, Issue (2), Pages 10-19, May,6 (2021)
Peer-reviewed empirical studies have been reviewed on corporate social responsibility in this paper... The author created a framework for determining the opinion or perspective of various authors regarding Corporate Social Responsibility and to underline the research gap. The review of this paper covers the content related to all the variables (dependent and independent) as percorporate social responsibility contexts and various studies performed on Corporate Social Responsibility. The paper determines the current research state on the topic and points out gaps in the existing literature. The literature review indicates that Corporate Social Responsibility provides positive effects; however, the effects are highly dependent on the context in which the Corporate Social Responsibility is being implemented and the companies implementing it. As per the gap analysis, it would provide a great results related to future studies on corporate social responsibilities and initiatives. In this review work the author has found an enormous research gap in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and stated various limitations and suggestions concerning Corporate Social Responsibility.
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