Simulation of R-L-C Series and Parallel Resonance in Basic Electrical Engineering with LabVIEW
Author Affiliations
- 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Radha Govind Group of Institutions, Meerut-25004, INDIA
Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 45-49, January,26 (2013)
R-L-C Series and Parallel circuit at resonance is a part of basic electrical engineering course which is mandatory for all discipline students to aware the idea of resonance in all technical universities in India and abroad. This topic is also a part of in laboratory of their curriculum. Now day by day students have different modes to perform the practical in the lab session. Software based practical are less costly than hardware base practical and also have a provision to change the circuit parameters as we need compared to hardware based results, which is better understanding of students in learning concepts of basic electrical engineering course. Today software based different laboratory experiments can performed by the student with a single place which impacts on flexible learning of students and under-standing abilities. This motivation deals with Simulation of basic electrical engineering laboratory experiments which are part of lab session at under graduate electrical engineering students using laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench (LabVIEW) software. Lab-VIEW uses graphical language which allows a natural, error free result and user-friendly interaction.
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