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Effect of Parameters in Once-Through Boiler for Controlling Reheat Steam Temperature in Supercritical Power Plants

Author Affiliations

  • 1LakiReddy Bali Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Mylavaram, Vijayawada, Krishna (DT), AP, INDIA
  • 2 JNTU College of Engineering, Vizianagaram (DT) AP, INDIA
  • 3 MVGR College of Engineering, Vizianagaram (DT) AP, INDIA

Res. J. Engineering Sci., Volume 2, Issue (1), Pages 27-34, January,26 (2013)


In once through boilers, superheated steam is generated at a pressure and temperature above the critical point of 221.2 bar and 375°C. For controlling Reheat steam temperature in once through boilers, many methods are being adopted namely Burner angle, Gas Recirculation, divided back pass dampers, excess air and steam bypass as primary control and feed water attemperation is considered as an emergency control. When the boiler is operated in sliding pressure mode the cold reheat steam temperature is higher compared to constant pressure operation. The adjustment required for maintaining constant Reheat outlet temperature is larger in constant pressure operation mode. In general spray is not used for RH steam temperature control for boilers designed for constant pressure operation since the spray quantity required will be large and it will effect on plant heat rate. Utility boilers are operated under sliding pressure mode and hence Reheat steam temperature control by spray is a common practice especially for once-through boilers. This paper deals with the benefits and losses of using spray for Reheat steam temperature control in lieu of other control mechanisms. If the plant incorporates reheat and several stages of feed heating, there is about a 2% gain in overall thermal efficiency compared with the corresponding subcritical cycle.


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